Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Sleep begets sleep

We're having a sleep catch-up day here at the Tarver household. Ava was pretty much fussy all afternoon and into the night yesterday, constantly verging on sleep but fighting it and waking back up after ten or so minutes. So today little girl has been power napping all but one hour but still eating about every two. I had a breakdown myself last night after hours of me and Jeremy trading off soothing her, and after falling asleep breastfeeding, en route moving to the bed she got herself all worked up again. I woke up Jeremy crying, he took her and told me to sleep, which I did fitfully for a couple hours, until I woke up from a bad dream, missing Ava,and went to look for her. Wish I had a pic for ya'll but I didn't want to wake ANYONE up with the flash, because Jeremy was sleeping hard on the futon, with Ava swaddled fast asleep in her vibrating chair next to him. We're learning quick whatever it takes- vibrating chair, car ride, gripe water (which helps a lot with tummy troubles but I don't always remember to use it in time), stroller rides (we're wearing out the tires on the gravel already!), or just rocking and patting. At any given time, she can hate whats worked before but something else will do. For now I'm just banking on an adage an experience mom told us- "Sleep begets sleep". Let's hope these naps help!

1 comment:

  1. It does get easier! I thought the first 6 weeks were sooo tough, but then Levi started sleeping at night and things settled down.
