Thursday, April 30, 2009

things are looking up

Well, last night I think we finally had a breakthrough. Ava and I finally slept about four hours together. Obviously she sleeps lots more than me, but it seems like my body is letting go and adapting and Ava seems to sleep best on me or next to me. My breast milk has come in very well, as Jeremy has posted for the world to see, but hey, this is the first time in my life to have luscious bosoms, why not show them off?!

One of my favorite things I've been told this week was said by our new pediatrician--"I combed my hair, I brushed my teeth, it's a good day." I'm just trying to keep that in mind. Having Jeremy's mom around has been a fantastic help, and despite lack of sleep we all keep working together to make it through the day. The rewards are great, as Ava seems to slowly be adjusting to life outside the womb; she's so healthy and strong and I'm really thankful for so much right now. That we made it through labor (which I'm still not ready to describe yet), that we all have our health, and such loving and supportive friends and family. I'll tell ya something else too, when Ava smiles after a feeding, a burping, while she sleeps, or ripping a big one, that's all the reward in the world.


  1. My goodness! Ava is just the prettiest little baby! Well done Tarvers!! I love the blog. Thanks for the "real" insight into parenthood. You guys are the best!! I can't wait to meet this sweet girl in person!

  2. Unfair! Whenever I rip a big one, Gail doesn't seem all that amused or grateful.
