Thursday, April 23, 2009

One more leaf to the tree

Meet little Miss Ava Lucille Tarver. Born Thursday April 23rd, 6:04am. 7lbs and 11ounces, 22 inches long. She's beautiful and absolutely must get that from her mother. She is also apparently sweet and quiet. Not sure I'm the father after all. I'll probably let Gail do a more thorough posting about the labor later, but I just wanted to share some first pics with friends and family.
This first one is a photo of Gail taken about noon. The the lighting was dim, and she's just endured 30 hours of labor. I still think she looks beautiful :-) You can't quite make out Ava for the swaddling.

We've got a great video of Ava moving around in her first hour in the world, but after I started uploading it realized it was 179MB. Gotta trim it down first, and the laptop battery is about to run out of juice. So thats the skinny, more details later!


  1. Gail, you do look beautiful. Ava looks sweet but she won't stay quiet for long. Enjoy the moments. Can't wait to meet her.

  2. So glad to hear Gayle and Ava are doing well! I can already tell you're a proud Dad, Jeremy. That laptop is about to be used in an entirely different way! We're ready for Ava's first close up. Congratulations!

  3. CONGRATULATIONS! Gail looks just wonderful (and maybe a bit... relieved?) 30 hours... wow! We're waiting with bated breath for Ava pics, and we're just so so so happy for you guys!

    Rachel and Logan
