Friday, April 17, 2009

Due date plus...

Well, my best friend Gaby took me to see the midwives today for our weekly appointment. Everything is fine, my blood pressure is good, I actually lost some weight since last week (water weight I think), Ava's heart beat is perfectly normal, we're just in limbo basically waiting for the action to start. I did get to ask the question that I've been asking all the different midwives I've seen the past few weeks "How big do you think she is?" Today's response was- "I'm not exactly gonna tell you because if I said 9 pounds, what would you think/feel about it?" Instead, I got a safe "She is very long! Like 22 inches long! (I encourage you to pull out a ruler right now and show yourself exactly how long that is...No way! I know!) Look at her feet over here, her bum over there, you might just have to bypass all those little clothes(0-3m) or they might just last for a week or two. " So, apparently those long bones contribute a lot in the weight factor, and it looks like she's gonna be a long skinny girl.
As far as what happens now is we wait for things to start naturally up until 41 weeks, and they did say I'm officially not late, really you're late after 41 weeks, and today I'm at 40 weeks plus 2 days, so when/if 41 weeks rolls around next Wednesday and Ava's still not here, we'll be having an ultrasound done and wear a fetal monitor for a little while to assess the situation and decide on the next step depending on her status. So either way, it looks like we'll probably only be waiting to see Ava for a week or so! Yippee! I'm getting so excited! But who knows, may be she'll come this weekend...


  1. maybe she'll come tomorrow and she and jesse can share birthdays. that would be so fun!! i know the waiting must be hard. i've been checking the blog everyday - like the first thing you're going to do when you go into labor is update the blog! :-) i can't wait to meet sweet ava. i love all the pictures on the blog! you and ava are beautiful!!

    lots of love from the kruskamp/bowling clan!!

  2. Thanks guys! I didn't know Jesse's birthday was this weekend! Please give him a big pregnant hug for us (which is kinda from the side so the belly doesn't get in the way, he,he) I plan on staying at home as long as a can thru early labor so I stay comfy, so I seriously might post that labor has begun a while into it!

  3. It is so exciting! What great news! Imagine that you will have a long, tall baby! Hang in there and rest up!


  4. Wow! How exciting - imagine that you are having a long(tall) baby! Keep on being happy, and rest up - she will be here soon.
    Love, gt

  5. I know the waiting is hard, but she'll come when she's ready. She just wants to make a grand entrance! Kyle was a long baby too-21 1/2 inches. Can't wait to see those first pictures!
