Here's pics from Ava's biggest road trip yet with Momma and Nana. She was such a good sport! Here she is in the morning after her first night staying in a hotel.

Here she is watching cable TV for the first time that her Nana put on for her- The Disney Channel!

Here we are in front of the gates, a scene reproduced from my Mom's visit with me 30 years ago!

Graceland proper.

It's on the National Register of Historic Places.

A wall in the trophy room highlighting Elvis' start at Sun Studios there in Memphis.

The Jungle Room!

The TV room.

Mom and her buddies.

Elvis' plane the Lisa Marie- pretty snazzy!

Ava being all sophisticated in our hotel suite.

Look at this sweetpea! Her first outlet mall shopping trip!
Ava is such a little sweetie! I have the best grandbabies and am so blessed being their Nana.