So, last Friday, Ava and I were hanging out inside in the middle of the day and all of a sudden the dogs started barking like someone was coming down the driveway. We went to the window to look and they were barking in the opposite direction of the driveway. Hmm? I looked over in that direction and, GOODNESS GRACIOUS, what in the world?! Half the old chinaberry tree just outside our fence had rotted at the saddle and fell down (no wind or storm, beautiful day). Luckily it missed the most important things like my truck and the tool shed by about 5 feet or so. It even missed the buddelia bush, but it fell right thru the tension bearing corner of the fence. I called Jeremy to let him know half a tree just fell down- he was so busy he didn't really understand that WOW, half a tree fell down until he got home. "Now I see why you called,"he said.

Well within about 45 minutes of coming home, my hunky husband and his well groomed chainsaw had that tree sectioned off and ready to process for firewood. Let's hope chinaberry burns ok.

And here's Jeremy showing off his clay-breaking shovel, which he concieved the idea of and had the guys down at the road at the local mechanics weld on some spikes. Pretty impressive huh, I bet you're pretty impressed. :)
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