Saturday, August 15, 2009

4 Months Old

Alright, I'm just as confused about Ava's age as I was when we were keeping track of how pregnant I was. 17 weeks, 4 months, I don't know. But I DO know she's around four months old and she continues to rack up the firsts. We've started letting her hang out in the exersaucer and it's like a whole new world for her. "Wow Mom! I can stand up AND look around AND reach out and play!"

We've also started introducing a little rice cereal which she does very good with and I know Jeremy really enjoys being able to feed her as well. As I said to Jeremy though, "You know what this means, we're entering a whole new world of poop." And did we ever...
Ava also got her first fever last Saturday. Oh, no! Mommy and Daddy were worried and concerned. Apparently, baby Tylenol, The Princess Bride movie, and a nap on Daddy are just what the doctor ordered.


  1. Love the sleepyhead shot! Looks like Ava is just growing up too fast for Nana and Grandpa Don Don.

  2. Grandpa Don Don? Don't tell him you called him that. Is that something Bo says?

  3. Love the squeal in the video. :)
