Sunday, August 30, 2009
4 month checkup

Here's Ava and her pediatrician, Dr. Miriam Blum. We took this picture before the shots. haha Still smiling. Look at those chunky thighs! She was 15 and 1/2 lbs when we took this picture, which puts her in the 90th percentile for weight and she's also in the 90th percentile for height. She's steadily averaging a half pound a week so she's already creeping up to 16 and 1/2 lbs. I've been having dreams she's too big to pick up anymore... nooo, slow down! But really, we're so glad she's healthy and growing strong.
New iPhones!
Well, Jeremy couldn't stand not having an iPhone any longer after he saw all the cool stuff you could do with it so when he made the decision he couldn't even wait for me or lunchtime to run out and get them! I am so glad he did! These are a few of the pictures from my iPhone. The quality isn't as good as a regular camera but I have my cell phone on me just about all the time, while the camera is often too big to carry around. The other bonus is we can upload pictures to our facebook profiles in a snap which is a lot of fun. Here are a few of my pics...

Note: Now that we have 3 media sources for pics it seems to take us even longer to get it all together for the blog...

Note: Now that we have 3 media sources for pics it seems to take us even longer to get it all together for the blog...
Grandma and Grandpa Tarver come to Visit (Aug 22-23)
They can't stay away from their precious grandbaby for too long! Even "Pa" Tarver made the trip up and the first words out of his mouth after hello were "That baby's just too fine" (as Jeremy predicted and loves to hear him say).
They had to battle amongst themselves for holding rights. Here's a lucky Pa Tarver briefly holding Ava before Grandma might whisk her away again.
Here's Grandma's first feeding to Ava of rice cereal. She does an excellent airplane impression...
Saturday, August 15, 2009
4 Months Old

Alright, I'm just as confused about Ava's age as I was when we were keeping track of how pregnant I was. 17 weeks, 4 months, I don't know. But I DO know she's around four months old and she continues to rack up the firsts. We've started letting her hang out in the exersaucer and it's like a whole new world for her. "Wow Mom! I can stand up AND look around AND reach out and play!"
We've also started introducing a little rice cereal which she does very good with and I know Jeremy really enjoys being able to feed her as well. As I said to Jeremy though, "You know what this means, we're entering a whole new world of poop." And did we ever...

Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Ava's First Wedding and First Shoes!
Goodness, two milestones in one day! I was getting emotional despite the wedding. Our friends Trent Myers and Kate Krushkamp tied the knot at the old Decatur Courthouse near Atlanta and it was a beautiful late afternoon summer wedding. Ava and Nana were my dates, as Jeremy was very busy with some programming that he had to attend to. Ava got to wear one of Mommy's favorite dressed which I bought for her before she was born AND her first pair of precious shoes. She was so cute. She was very good thru the entire ceremony and even made it thru our d'ouvres and cocktails, but by then she had had enough partying and was ready to go. We got to see the special couple on their way into the reception but then we had to whisk the jr. princess away from the ball to get her beauty sleep.

Ava's first shoes.

Monday, August 10, 2009
Watch out for that tree!
So, last Friday, Ava and I were hanging out inside in the middle of the day and all of a sudden the dogs started barking like someone was coming down the driveway. We went to the window to look and they were barking in the opposite direction of the driveway. Hmm? I looked over in that direction and, GOODNESS GRACIOUS, what in the world?! Half the old chinaberry tree just outside our fence had rotted at the saddle and fell down (no wind or storm, beautiful day). Luckily it missed the most important things like my truck and the tool shed by about 5 feet or so. It even missed the buddelia bush, but it fell right thru the tension bearing corner of the fence. I called Jeremy to let him know half a tree just fell down- he was so busy he didn't really understand that WOW, half a tree fell down until he got home. "Now I see why you called,"he said.

Well within about 45 minutes of coming home, my hunky husband and his well groomed chainsaw had that tree sectioned off and ready to process for firewood. Let's hope chinaberry burns ok.
And here's Jeremy showing off his clay-breaking shovel, which he concieved the idea of and had the guys down at the road at the local mechanics weld on some spikes. Pretty impressive huh, I bet you're pretty impressed. :)
Well within about 45 minutes of coming home, my hunky husband and his well groomed chainsaw had that tree sectioned off and ready to process for firewood. Let's hope chinaberry burns ok.
And here's Jeremy showing off his clay-breaking shovel, which he concieved the idea of and had the guys down at the road at the local mechanics weld on some spikes. Pretty impressive huh, I bet you're pretty impressed. :)
Stepping out
Grandma's visit
Well, Grandma to the rescue again. Just when the we and the house seem to be on our last legs, Grandma came up two weekends ago to bathe her grandbaby in love and help us out immensely. She hates being away from the special smiles Ava has just for her. With Grandma here, I was able to bake, nap, and shop which really just makes me feel like a normal person again. Thanks Grandma! Hope to be seeing you again soon!
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