Along the way we saw many exciting things. The one I'd characterize as the most interesting was turtle coitus. See below :-)
Now admittedly this isn't a very good picture. It wasn't that there wasn't plenty of time to take it... However the trouble was that Ava kept flopping forward, as she was beginning to pass out, so I had trouble getting the tripod set up. So this is the best I have to offer. (Email me privately for hot turtle vidz!!!)
It was really a beatiful walk. The baby and I walked along the stream bed and gulleys looking for mushrooms, and the dogs ran around sniffing and eating and rolling in undescribably smelly things. At one point walking along the creek bottom I stopped to take this picture, and thought "Up yours Atlanta".
I love the south, and living in the country.
Here's another pretty picture of a spot on the creek.
I'm almost certain pirates bury their treasure here.
Here's another pretty picture of a spot on the creek.
But I didn't stop to dig for it - because the hills were already covered with gold! Golden chanterelles love to live on one side of the brook, with all the recent rain they've sprouted up and down the hillside. Here's a picture of a beautiful fruiting chanterelle. It looks like its drinking in the sunlight and transforming it into golden waves.

I came back to the house with a sleeping floppy baby, two wet and smelly dogs, and a basket full of delicious chantarelles.

BB is not pictured here, when we got back he figured he was wet, but not dirty enough, so he went under the porch to get some more dirt clinging to him. Very thorough of him.
I came back to the house with a sleeping floppy baby, two wet and smelly dogs, and a basket full of delicious chantarelles.
The wet and smelly...
nice find of the chanterelles! obviously not jack-o-lanterns or you probably wouldn't have been able to write this! i've always been amazed at how many choice mushrooms you can come across if you just look