Yes, I know. This is ridiculous. Thanksgiving?! But it's already the middle of January! Well, you know when things happen and then you put something off and then the amount there is to share accumulates to the extent that you feel kind of overwhelmed by the whole thing and therefore put it off some more? That's exactly what I did. But I'm trying to remedy it. It would help if Jeremy would write so y'all give him crap when you see him about blogging, k. Thanks.
Ava's First Thanksgiving

Hey, honey. Guess where we're going? To Grandma and Pa Tarver's house! Yay!

There's your uncle Nathan. Look you guys both have new hats that Ms. Rosie made just for your bald little/big heads!

Oh, Uncle Nathan! We look so cute together!

Time for Thanksgiving Dinner. Get your turkey bib on because you get to try some of Grandma's sweet potato casserole! "Well, I'm not sure..."

Nom, nom, nom. "That's pretty good stuff!"

Now have some water to wash it down.

Bath time! Cool, Grandma's got duckies that light up!

Let's see how much water we can make jump out of the sink.

Hey Uncle Elijah. You just wait, because before too long I'll be chasing you around the house!
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