At the 7 month mark, Ava's getting to be a lot of fun despite her fourth (yes fourth!) tooth coming in. Actually both her third and fourth teeth are coming in at the same time (oh joy.), and they're both the top middle teeth. So when she's not pissy from that or Mommy's not pissy from the occasional wallop of yucky teething diaper doo, we're having fun. She continues to be cuddly and ticklish. Her fine motor control keeps getting better and better which is great, especially when chewing calls for not one but two thumbs. (I'm still trying to catch a picture of that) Here she is chewing on her glasses, just like her Nana does!
Every day the sounds she makes get closer and closer to sounding like little words, I mean really just syllables at this point but I can see the progression. And the more she "talks", the more opinionated she gets. Most of the time it's nice to know what she wants, especially when what she wants is to be picked up and held by you!