Wow! 6 months already! Time does fly. *sniff, sniff* My baby's growing up.
We've had a very busy week! Ava's Grandma Tarver came to stay with us last weekend and help us out as I had managed to hurt my back somehow or another. She and I trained Ava for some serious power shopping so Ava's pretty much all stocked up for the winter in terms of clothes.
Ava's second tooth came thru on Sunday- I know, second tooth!!! We're starting to get the hang of what she's like when a tooth's coming in. Usually she's so pleasant that when she gets crabby and it's not one of the usual things like a wet diaper or she's tired that it pretty much narrows it down to teething. She's all about putting everything in her mouth these days, to explore textures as well as alleviate some pain. Ava's not great at holding things in her mouth for long though so we're not quite ready for the almighty cold teething rings. We'll get there in due time. No rush. :)

So, Thursday was Jeremy's big day-his 31st birthday- and he requested a super chocolaty cake which Ava and I surprised him with at work. We also got him some Carharrt's for all the work he does around the house as well as the portraits mentioned above. It was a beautiful day and we finished it all off with dinner at Gaby's.
Friday was Ava's big six month day. We basically spent the day cuddling and playing. She's getting so funny! She's ticklish and has the best little laugh. She curls into you as she laughs or when she's tired as well. She also yells when she's playing and we've taken to calling her our "little pterodactyl." Other interesting things that I love: she's fascinated when I brush my hair; she reaches for my plate and nearly tips it over every time we go out to eat; other children are amazing to her (especially her cousin Bo!); when her Daddy comes home from work it brings out some of the biggest smiles.
Next up, pears and apples, we'll let you know how that goes!